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Test, Group & Suite Properties


Description: The title which is displayed in the UI.

Can be Used In: Test, Group, Suite


test do
  title 'US Core Patient Read Interaction'

Reference: title in the API docs

Short Title

Description: A short title which is displayed in the left side of the UI.

Can be Used In: Test, Group, Suite


group do
  short_title 'Patient Tests'

Reference: short_title in the API docs


Description: A unique identifier. Inferno will automatically create ids if they are not specified. It is important to create ids yourself if you need to refer to a test or group elsewhere.

Can be Used In: Test, Group, Suite


test do
  id :us_core_patient_read

group do
  test from: :us_core_patient_read

Additional Notes: TestSuite ids appear in Inferno’s urls, so consideration should be given to choosing a suite id that will make sense to users as a url path. Links to a test suite take the form of INFERNO_BASE_PATH/TEST_SUITE_ID, and individual test session urls look like INFERNO_BASE_PATH/TEST_SUITE_ID/TEST_SESSION_ID.

Reference: id in the API docs

Short Id

Description: A short numeric id or sequence number which is displayed in the left side of the UI before short title. This attribute is read only and is automatically assigned.

Can Be Used In: Test, Group


require 'us_core_test_kit'
USCoreTestKit::USCoreV610::USCoreTestSuite.groups.first.short_id  # => "1"

Reference: short_id in API docs for Test and TestGroup.


Description: A detailed description displayed in the UI. Markdown is supported. The description usually requires multiple lines, and the example below shows different ways to define long strings in Ruby.

Can be Used In: Test, Group, Suite


test do
  description 'This is a brief description'
  description 'This is a longer description. There are several ways to split ' \
              'it up over multiple lines, and this is one of the worst ways.'
  description <<~DESCRIPTION
    This is another long description. This is an ok way to represent a long
    string in ruby.
  description %(
    This is another long description. This is a pretty good way to represent a
    long string in ruby.

Reference: description in the API docs


Description: Mark a test or group as optional/required. Tests and Groups are required by default. The results of optional tests do not affect the test result of their parent.

Can Be Used In: Test, Group


group do
  optional # Makes this group optional

  test do
    optional # Makes this test optional
  test from: :some_optional_test do
    required # Make an optional test required

Reference: optional in the API docs, required in the API docs


Description: run defines a block of code to execute when the test is run. A test will typically make one or more assertions. If no assertions fail, then the test passes.

Can Be Used In: Test


test do
  run do
    assert 1 == 0, 'One is not equal to zero'

Reference: run in the API docs


Description: Define the suite’s version, which is displayed in the UI.

Can Be Used In: Suite


class MySuite < Inferno::TestSuite
  version '1.2.3'

Reference: version in the API docs

Input Instructions

Description: Define additional instructions which will be displayed above a runnable’s inputs. These instructions only appear when running this particular runnable. They will not appear if you run a parent or child of this runnable. Markdown is supported.

Can Be Used In: Test, Group, Suite


group do
  input_instructions %(
    Register Inferno as a standalone application using the following information:

    * Redirect URI: `#{SMARTAppLaunch::AppRedirectTest.config.options[:redirect_uri]}`

    Enter in the appropriate scope to enable patient-level access to all
    relevant resources. If using SMART v2, v2-style scopes must be used. In
    addition, support for the OpenID Connect (openid fhirUser), refresh tokens
    (offline_access), and patient context (launch/patient) are required.

Reference: input_instructions in the API docs

Run as Group

Description run_as_group makes a group run as a single unit. When true, users will not be able to run any of the group’s children individually. They will only be able to run the whole group at once.

Can Be Used In: Group


group do

  # These tests can not be run individually
  test do
    # ...

  test do
    # ...

Reference: run_as_group in the API docs

Suite Option

Description Define a user-selectable option for a suite. See Suite Options documentation.

Can Be Used In: Suite


class MyTestSuite < Inferno::TestSuite
  suite_option :smart_app_launch_version,
               title: 'SMART App Launch Version',
               list_options: [
                   label: 'SMART App Launch 1.0.0',
                   value: 'smart_app_launch_1'
                   label: 'SMART App Launch 2.0.0',
                   value: 'smart_app_launch_2'

Reference: suite_option in the API docs

Required Suite Options

Description: Define the suite options that must be selected in order for a runnable to be included in the current session. See Hiding Tests Based on Suite Options.

Can Be Used In: Test, Group


class MyTestSuite < Inferno::TestSuite
  # suite_option :smart_app_launch_version,
  # ...

  # Suite option requirements can be defined inline
  group from: :smart_app_launch_v1,
        required_suite_options: {
          smart_app_launch_version: 'smart_app_launch_1'

  # Suite option requirements can be defined within a test/group definition
  group from: :smart_app_launch_v2 do
    required_suite_options smart_app_launch_version: 'smart_app_launch_2'

Reference: required_suite_options in the API docs

Description: Define a list of links which are displayed in the footer of the UI.

Can Be Used In: Suite


class MyTestSuite < Inferno::TestSuite
  links [
      label: 'Report Issue',
      url: ''
      label: 'Open Source',
      url: ''

Reference: links in the API docs

Suite Summary

Description: Define a summary to display on the suite options selection page. If the suite has no options, the summary is not used. If no suite summary is defined, the description will be displayed on the options selection page. Markdown is supported.

Can Be Used In: Suite


class MyTestSuite < Inferno::TestSuite
  suite_summary %(
    This is a brief description of the suite which will be displayed on the
    suite options selection page.

Reference: suite_summary in the API docs


Description: Configure a runnable and its descendants. For more information, see Configuration.

Can Be Used In: Suite

Reference: config in the API docs

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