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FHIR Resource Validation

FHIR Resource validation is performed by the HL7® FHIR Java Validator. Two validator “wrapper” services are currently included in the Inferno framework:

When creating a Test Kit based on the Inferno Template:

  • Place the .tgz IG packages for any profiles you need to validate against in lib/YOUR_TEST_KIT_NAME/igs.
  • Make sure that the volume paths in docker-compose.background.yml point to the above directory.

Every time an IG is added or changed, restart the validator services.

Defining Validators

The Inferno Template defines one basic validator in the suite. The validator must be configured to reference the IG being tested against. IGs may be referenced by package identifier (for example, '') if they are published, or by filename. It is not necessary to alter the template suite further unless you need multiple validators or want to add extra validator behaviors. Validators are defined with fhir_resource_validator:

fhir_resource_validator :optional_validator_name do
  # Read the validator URL from an environment variable (optional)

  # Specify the IG(s) to validate resources against
 igs 'identifier#version' # Use this method for published IGs/versions
 igs 'igs/filename.tgz'   # Use this otherwise
 igs 'ig1#v', 'ig2#v'     # Specify all IGs in one line if multiple are needed

The url defaults to reading from the FHIR_RESOURCE_VALIDATOR_URL environment variable, so if you have not modified the validator service or environment variables, this line may be omitted.

If no igs are specified, the validator will only support validation against base FHIR definitions, and attempting to validate against specific profile URLs will result in errors.

fhir_resource_validator in the API docs

Validating FHIR Resources

The resource_is_valid? method will validate a FHIR resource and add any validation messages to the runnable.

test do
  fhir_read(:patient, '123')
  # Validate the resource from the last request
  if resource_is_valid?
  # Validate some other resource
  if resource_is_valid?(resource: some_other_resource)
  # Validate against a particular profile
  if resource_is_valid?(profile_url: '')
  # Validate using a particular named validator
  if resource_is_valid?(validator: :my_customized_validator)

resource_is_valid? in the API docs

assert_valid_resource will validate the resource, add any validation messages to the runnable, and fail the test if the resource is invalid.

test do
  fhir_read(:patient, '123')
  # Use the resource from the last request
  # Validate some other resource
  assert_valid_resource(resource: some_other_resource)
  # Validate against a particular profile
  assert_valid_resource(profile_url: '')
  # Validate using a particular named validator
  assert_valid_resource(validator: :my_customized_validator)

assert_valid_resource in the API docs

Filtering Validation Messages

If you need to ignore certain validation messages in your test kit, this can be done using the exclude_message method in the validator definition.

fhir_resource_validator do
  # Messages will be excluded if the block evaluates to a truthy value
  exclude_message do |message|
    message.type == 'info' ||
      message.message.include?('message to ignore') ||

Performing Additional Validation

If you want to perform validation steps in addition to the FHIR validation, you can use the perform_additional_validation method in the validator definition. The method can also be used multiple times in a single validator definition to add multiple validation steps. To add additional validation messages, the block in this method must return a single Hash with a type and message, or an Array of Hashes with those keys. If the block returns nil, no new messages are added. The resource is considered invalid if any messages with a type of error are present.

fhir_resource_validator do
  perform_additional_validation do |resource, profile_url|
    if something_is_wrong
      { type: 'error', message: 'something is wrong'}

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