Public Inferno Hosts
All known Public Hosts of Inferno Test Kits are listed below. If you are interested in adding your Public Host to this table, Contact Us or open a Pull Request.
Name | Link | Host Organization |
Inferno on | | ONC |
Inferno on QA | | ONC |
Note is the officially supported public host for Inferno, and is regularly updated with approved stable releases of Inferno Core and supported Test Kits. is provided for quality assurance (QA) testing and demonstration of upcoming Test Kits or development releases of Inferno Core. It is likely to be updated without notice and should only be used by those with a need to work with pre-release Test Kits or Inferno Core features under development. It is not for certification use.
Both hosts are for demonstration purposes only, and should not be used with any sensitive data or Protected Health Information (PHI).
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