Getting Started

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started for Inferno Users
    1. Running an Existing Test Kit
    2. Multiple Test Kits
  2. Getting Started for Inferno Test Writers
    1. FHIR Validation Setup
    2. Development with Ruby
      1. Installation
      2. Running Inferno
      3. Interactive consoles
    3. Development with Docker Only
      1. Installation
      2. Running Inferno
    4. Next Steps

Getting Started for Inferno Users

Start here if you’re interested in testing a FHIR server against one or more existing Test Kits.

Running an Existing Test Kit

Most Test Kits are developed using the Inferno Template repository which provides scripts for standing up an instance of Inferno to run a selected Test Kit.

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Clone the repository for the Test Kit you want to run.
  3. Run ./ in the Test Kit repository directory to retrieve the necessary docker images and create a database.
  4. Run ./ to start Inferno.
  5. Navigate to http://localhost to access Inferno.

e.g., to run the US Core Test Kit:

git clone
cd us-core-test-kit

Always check the documentation for an individual Test Kit since there may be additional installation steps.

Multiple Test Kits

There may be times when you wish to offer multiple test kits in a single Inferno instance. You can load and run two or more separate Test Kits by using Inferno Template.

To create and deploy a custom combination of Test Kits with the Inferno Template first create a new repository based off the template or clone the template:

git clone

Add Test Kits you want to include to the Gemfile:

# Gem published on rubygems
gem 'smart_app_launch_test_kit'
# Gem available via git
gem 'us_core_test_kit',
    git: '',
    branch: 'main'

To enable the Test Kits, require them in in lib/inferno_template.rb:

require 'smart_app_launch_test_kit'
require 'us_core_test_kit'

Inferno relies on external validation services for profile validation; by default, Inferno uses the FHIR Validator Wrapper. For Test Kits that require profile validation, such as the US Core Test Kit, the corresponding Implementation Guide will need to be placed in the lib/inferno_deployment/igs/ directory as a .tgz file (i.e., package.tgz). The Implementation Guide files for a Test Kit can be located in that kit’s git repository and just copied over directly:

e.g., for the US Core Test Kit:

git clone
cp -a us-core-test-kit/lib/us_core_test_kit/igs/. inferno-template/lib/inferno_template/igs/

Once this is done you can build and run the instance:

cd inferno_template

Note: Example Test Suites, Groups, Tests and IGs in the template can be removed.

Getting Started for Inferno Test Writers

Tests can be developed with or without a local ruby installation using docker. However, it is highly recommended that you install ruby locally for development. The advantages of using a local ruby installation are

  • It is much faster to restart native ruby processes than to stop/rebuild/start docker images. This must be done every time tests change.
  • It is possible to set breakpoints and access an interactive debugger inside of running tests, which makes test development much easier.
  • The Inferno Command Line Interface can be used. Run inferno help for information.

FHIR Validation Setup

Put the package.tgz for the IG you’re writing tests for in lib/your_test_kit_name/igs and update this path in docker-compose.background.yml. This will ensure that the validator has access to the resources needed to validate resources against your IG.

Development with Ruby

NOTE: Windows developers will need to use WSL in order to interact with Inferno. It is recommended that you also follow the steps for installing node.js. Once you have WSL (and node.js) set up:

  1. Install VS Code and the WSL Extension.
  2. Install Ubuntu from the Windows Store.
  3. Open Command Prompt and run ubuntu.
    1. You will have to setup a user and password for this linux subsytem.
    2. The password will be used for sudo commands later, so remember these credentials!
  4. Install Docker Desktop for Windows.
    1. Follow the steps from Docker to ensure it plays nicely with WSL, see here.
    2. From the Docker settings, Open Resources > WSL Integration, and make sure Ubuntu is selected. Then, hit “Apply and Restart”.
  5. From VS Code, press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the command palette, and type “WSL”. Select “Connect to WSL in new Window using distro…” and select Ubuntu.
  6. Open a terminal in the new WSL window and try to ping
  7. If you cannot ping, you may not be able to connect to the internet from within the WSL instance. The steps at this stack overflow article should resolve the issue. If it does not, open cmd and run nslookup. Copy the Default Address, then in your wsl instance type sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf. Add the default address as another nameserver.
  8. Continue from step 2 in Installation.

NOTE: If, when running Inferno within WSL, the tests begin to stall and the console repeatedly prints WARN: Your Redis network connection is performing extremely poorly., WSL may be having networking issues. To resolve this, you can follow the steps in this WSL Slow Network Issue thread. You can make a .wslconfig file from your %USERDATA% directory if it does not already exist, and you will need to restart WSL (usually through wsl --shutdown in Windows Powershell) before the changes take effect.


  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install Ruby. It is highly recommended that you install ruby via a ruby version manager. Use the manager’s documentation for instructions on installing/switching ruby versions, and be sure to download the same ruby version that is in .ruby-version in the repo.
  3. Clone the Inferno Template repository. You can either clone this repository directly, or click the green “Use this template” button to create your own repository based on this one.
  4. Run bundle install to install dependencies.
  5. Run gem install inferno_core to install inferno.
  6. Run gem install foreman to install foreman, which will be used to run the Inferno web and worker processes.
  7. Run gem install rerun to install rerun, which will be used to enable watch functionality to reload Inferno when a test has been updated.
  8. Run bundle exec inferno migrate to set up the database.

Running Inferno

  1. Run bundle exec inferno services start to start the background services. By default, these include nginx, redis, the FHIR validator service, and the FHIR validator UI. Background services can be added/removed/edited in docker-compose.background.yml.
  2. Run inferno start --watch to start Inferno and to reload any time a file changes. Remove the watch flag if you would prefer to manually restart Inferno.
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:4567 to access Inferno, where your test suite will be available. To access the FHIR resource validator, navigate to http://localhost/validator.
  4. When you are done, run bundle exec inferno services stop to stop the background services.

Interactive consoles

A local ruby installation also allows you to use pry, a powerful interactive console, to explore and experiment with your tests with inferno console:

 bundle exec inferno console
[1] pry(main)> suite = InfernoTemplate::Suite
=> InfernoTemplate::Suite
[2] pry(main)> suite.groups
=> [#<Inferno::Entities::TestGroup @id="test_suite_template-capability_statement", @short_id="1", @title="Capability Statement">,
 #<InfernoTemplate::PatientGroup @id="test_suite_template-patient_group", @short_id="2", @title="Patient  Tests">]
[3] pry(main)> suite.groups.first.tests
=> [#<Inferno::Entities::Test @id="test_suite_template-capability_statement-capability_statement_read", @short_id="1.01", @title="Read CapabilityStatement">]

It is also possible to set a breakpoint using the debug gem within a test’s run block to debug test behavior:

  • Add require 'debug/open_nonstop' and debugger to set the breakpoint.
  • Run your tests until the breakpoint is reached.
  • In a separate terminal window, run bundle exec rdbg -A to access the interactive console.
module InfernoTemplate
  class PatientGroup < Inferno::TestGroup
    test do
      run do
        fhir_read(:patient, patient_id, name: :patient)

        require 'debug/open_nonstop'

        assert == patient_id,
               "Requested resource with id #{patient_id}, received resource with id #{}"
 bundle exec rdbg -A
DEBUGGER (client): Connected. PID:22112, $0:sidekiq 6.5.7  [0 of 10 busy]

[18, 27] in ~/code/inferno-template/lib/inferno_template/patient_group.rb
    19|       run do
    20|         fhir_read(:patient, patient_id, name: :patient)
    22|         require 'debug/open_nonstop'
=>  23|         debugger
    25|         assert_response_status(200)
    26|         assert_resource_type(:patient)
    27|         assert == patient_id,
(ruby:remote) self.title
"Server returns requested Patient resource from the Patient read interaction"
(rdbg:remote) inputs
[:patient_id, :url, :credentials]
(ruby:remote) patient_id
(rdbg:remote) url
(rdbg:remote) ls request    # outline command
  created_at        created_at=  direction     direction=     headers          headers=          id        id=         index          index=          name             name=
  query_parameters  request      request_body  request_body=  request_header   request_headers   resource  response    response_body  response_body=  response_header  response_headers
  result_id         result_id=   status        status=        test_session_id  test_session_id=  to_hash   updated_at  updated_at=    url             url=             verb
instance variables: @created_at  @direction  @headers  @id  @index  @name  @request_body  @response_body  @result_id  @status  @test_session_id  @updated_at  @url  @verb
(ruby:remote) request.status
(ruby:remote) request.response_body
"{\n  \"resourceType\": \"Patient\" ... }"
(rdbg:remote) ?    # help command

### Control flow

* `s[tep]`
  * Step in. Resume the program until next breakable point.

Development with Docker Only


  1. Install Docker.
  2. Clone the Inferno Template repository. You can either clone this repository directly, or click the green “Use this template” button to create your own repository based on this one.
  3. Run ./ in the template repository to retrieve the necessary docker images and create a database.

Running Inferno

After installation, run the ./ script to start Inferno.

  • Navigate to localhost to access Inferno and run test suites.
  • Navigate to localhost/validator to access a standalone validator that can be used to validate individual FHIR resources.

Next Steps

Now that Inferno is running, you could learn about the file/directory organization or just start writing tests.