Class: Inferno::DSL::AuthInfo

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AuthInfo provide a user with a single input which contains the information needed for a fhir client to perform authorization and refresh an access token when necessary.

AuthInfo supports the following auth_type: - public - client id only - symmetric - Symmetric confidential (i.e., with a static client id and secret) - asymmetric - Symmetric confidential (i.e., a client id with a signed JWT rather than a client secret) - backend_services

When configuring an AuthInfo input, the invdidual fields are exposed as components in the input’s options, and can be configured there similar to normal inputs.

The AuthInfo input type supports two different modes in the UI. Different fields will be presented to the user depending on which mode is selected. - auth - This presents the inputs needed to perform authorization, and is appropriate to use as an input to test groups which perform authorization - access - This presents the inputs needed to access resources assuming that authorization has already happened, and is appropriate to use as an input to test groups which access resources using previously granted authorization

class AuthInfoExampleSuite < Inferno::TestSuite input :url, title: ‘Base FHIR url’

group do title ‘Perform public authorization’ input :fhir_auth, type: :auth_info, options: { mode: ‘auth’, components: [ { name: :auth_type, default: ‘public’, locked: true } ] }

# Some tests here to perform authorization   end

group do title ‘FHIR API Tests’ input :fhir_auth, type: :auth_info, options: { mode: ‘access’ }

fhir_client do
  url :url
  auth_info :fhir_auth # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED

# Some tests here to access FHIR API   end end

Constant Summary collapse

  :redirect_url, # TODO: does this belong here?

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#auth_request_method The http method which will be used(Thehttpmethodwhichwillbeused) ⇒ Object

to perform the request to the authorization endpoint. Either get (default) or post

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#auth_type The type of authorization to be performed.(Thetypeofauthorizationtobeperformed.) ⇒ Object

One of public, symmetric, asymmetric, or backend_services

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#auth_url The url of the authorization endpoint(Theurloftheauthorizationendpoint) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98


Returns the value of attribute client.

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 96

def client


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#encryption_algorithm The encryption algorithm which(Theencryptionalgorithmwhich) ⇒ Object

will be used to sign the JWT client credentials. Either es384 (default) or rs384

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#expires_in The lifetime of the access token in seconds(Thelifetimeoftheaccesstoken) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#issue_time An iso8601 formatted string representing the(Aniso8601formattedstringrepresentingthe) ⇒ Object

time the access token was issued

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#jwks A JWKS (including private keys) which will be used(AJWKS(including private keys)) ⇒ Object

instead of Inferno’s default JWKS if provided

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#kid The key id for the keys to be used to sign the JWT(Thekeyid) ⇒ Object

client credentials. When blank, the first key for the selected encryption algorithm will be used

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#pkce_code_challenge_method Either `S256` (default) or(Either`S256`(default)) ⇒ Object


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#pkce_support Whether PKCE will be used during(WhetherPKCEwillbeusedduring) ⇒ Object

authorization. Either enabled or disabled.

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98


# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#requested_scopes The scopes which will be requested(Thescopeswhichwillberequested) ⇒ Object

during authorization

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98

#token_url The url of the auth server's token endpoint(Theurloftheauthserver's token endpoint) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/inferno/dsl/auth_info.rb', line 98